Saturday, April 09, 2005

motercycle dude

coming back from napa yesterday we had a motercycle pass us, weaving through traffic. it veared around us and then jogged back in front of us pretty close to the car in the other lane.

both alodia and myself volunteered we did not view that as really safe. this dude looked to be in his 50's and just tearing it up a bit now that spring is shining.

well, 2 blocks later traffic was gummed up and i looked down between the cars and i could see that he'd rearended a car probably as he tried to swerve around it in the intersection. bike was pretty mangled and forks were bent back almost into the eninge and front wheel was more of a rectangle then a circle. i saw him staggerin away as a nearby roadcrew started directing traffic.

i felt bad for the dude. yeah, he's being stupid, but i seldom find joy in someone getting what is coming to them.


Blogger Unknown said...

ya poor dude. sometimes i don't think that people realize that it affects other people when they get hurt by doing stupid stuff. i don't mean like physically hurt, but seeing someone in pain because he or she did something stupid causes emotional pain.

4/09/2005 04:49:00 PM  

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