Thursday, March 03, 2005

the little things

so i have a set method for brushing my teeth: turn on water, get toothbrush, rinse toothbrush, apply a small amount of toothpaste, rinse toothebrush, brush teeth in up and down mothion starting at front teeth, then right, then left, then top of teeth (cutting surface) then back of teeth. rince toothbrush, bang toothbrush on sink to get water out, dry toothbrush on towel. replace toothbrush.

i get annoyed when the cap of the toothpaste is wet (from previous brusher) AND i've taken to drying my toothbrush and NOT letting it go all the way into the toothbrush holder becasue i've found WATER in there (from previous brusher) so i just kinda let me toothbrush hang out the top of the holer at an angle keeping it's handle out of the nasty sludge that COULD be at the bottom. i also started drying my toothbrush on my towel before replacing it so i could rule myself out as the 'water donater' person to the toothbrush holder.

now, this ritual meets with frequent ridicule usually around he banging of the toothbrush part, or the part where i complain about the wet toothpaste cap.
i had the other brusher do a little test with me last night. i instructed her to put her pants on two different ways: once without thinking about it, and the second time with putting the OTHER leg in first. she obliged and I watched her step on her pantleg on the second try. although the brushed it off and said it was ok, i said THAT IS WHAT IT IS LIKE when my ritual for brushing teeth gets changed. it just feels wrong, ok?
she said it was not a fair comparison. i thought it was.

i also told her (after the first pants putting on event) that her favorite leg was her right leg, and it figured. she said 'why'. i said it figured because my favored leg was my left and she was like keith. he favors his right too.

so this mornnig i find her askign me to open the curtains to let light into the plants. i say 'just like my mom, making me do lots of little things when it's faster to do them yourself then descrribe the need to another person'
so she's taken offence: she's like my brother AND my mom. i said she breathes air and has a reproductive organ, so that makes her like most people.

so we get in the car. we talk about friends and how she's more introvert and likes friends and i'm more extrovert and don't recgonoise my need for friends.
i begin rambling about her 'cognitive dissence' for friends and then told her i just made that up, as i don't know what that means.
she said cognitive means conscuios thought, and dissenece is not a word.
SO lets check it out and see if kevin is full of crap:

1. Of, characterized by, involving, or relating to cognition: “Thinking in terms of dualisms is common in our cognitive culture” (Key Reporter).
2. Having a basis in or reducible to empirical factual knowledge.

1. A harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord.
2. Lack of agreement, consistency, or harmony; conflict: “In Vietnam, reality fell away and dissonance between claim and fact filled the void” (Michael Janeway).
3. Music. A combination of tones contextually considered to suggest unrelieved tension and require resolution.

I wonder if putting an adjactive before a noun is the proper order....

so, there you have it. the recap from the last 12 hours of my life which concludes i'm full of crap in some cases. at least i'm honest about it: we CAN fix what i achnowledge.

edit: on second thought, maybe the fact there is evidence for her having an internal conflict: liking friends but not stepping out to make friends DOES demonstrate i had close to the right words (even though dissoncenc is not a word - but the word like it makes sense...)

HAW have some of that. i can cram my slipperslope logic into off the cuff conversations and defend myself!


Blogger forkev said...

that person i live with says:

I think that last night I thought I’d favor my R leg, and then didn’t, and you said you favored your R leg, and Keith his L, therefore since I favored L instead of R, you said I was like Keith. You said it opposite in the blog.

3/03/2005 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

if you are disturbed about the whole toothbrush thing just get yourself your own toothbrush holder and toothpaste. not difficult.

i think you need to read the five loves since it will tell you that doing something for someone else isn't really about saving time or effort.

3/03/2005 12:07:00 PM  
Blogger KAN said...

time for me to start talking, since I'm "the person he lives with"...

just so you all don't think I'm a totally slobby person, rarely is the cap of the toothpaste wet. I do realize, sometimes it happens, but it's not like it's soaked, and it's rare. The water in the toothbrush holder isn't enough to be gross and a puddle. It's just a little bit and really not enough to measure...

the book that you recommend Jen is a great book! We got it when we got married and I read it recently and told Kevin he should too, but so far it's still sitting on his nightstand...

3/03/2005 03:34:00 PM  

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