Wednesday, February 09, 2005

wife and i joing small group friday nights

wife wrote to darin to let him know we'd join his small bible study group on friday night:

Kevin and I would like to join w/ you guys in your small group. But if you snub us, we’re outta there. And Kevin says “YEAH

And they have to agree with everything I say, AND feed me good food.�

So, if you can work with us on this, let us know :)


Darin responds with acceptance and the following comments
Hey great! Most of us are glad to have you!
haha, just teasing, we are ALL glad to have you....
...for now anyway.
This week we meet at 6pm at our gorgeous estate, perhaps you can find it? Natalie will be sending dinner instructions shortly (potluck style), you've met her? She thinks she's quite witty, but just ignore that... the rest of us have learned to do.
Anyway, obviously we will have to negotiate among our group about your "joining the group - contract" requirements.
I cannot speak for the rest of the group, but I would say, since we are being asked to "agree with everything you share, AND feed you good food," then we should be allowed to "make fun of you at ANY time, with no warning, nor apology." Does that sound fair?
Well, I guess it doesn't matter, because that is what's going to happen week after week whether you agree to it or not. That's really what our group is all about. Building ourselves up, through tearing each other down. Some groups build each other up. Not our group. One time I was vulnerable and shared a story of how a bully punched me at school. The simple fact that the bully was a couple years younger than me did nothing to heighten the sympathy of my "friends." They laughed and laughed. They didn't laugh WITH me, they laughed AT me. But it's all in good fun! And over time we heal.
See you there, glad to have you and Kevin's infamous new "Bible" involved!

the 'bible' darin is referring to is a parafrased bible from england called 'the word on the street' that does not claim to be a bible but rather another way of telling the same story and is VERY contraversial. that's why I have it. it's missing entire chapters for Daniel and i've not even looked at revelation yet. IT wouldn't surprise me to find an entire book omitted. it is fun to discuss though.


Blogger k2h said...

i'm curiuos to know if the book of esther is missing? the one book that doesn't mention god directly.

does it have any additional books? (apacrapha, bell and the dragon, type things)

when was it written. I have grown to enjoy the heathen bibles in a bible study as it gives a good outside perspective and when people argue to defend their belief and can back it up with a real translation, it just helps people grown, and salidify what they are assured of themselves.

2/09/2005 05:50:00 PM  
Blogger forkev said...

i'm confident it does not have any extra books. i'm not sure about ester, but maybe it's in there. I like to be contraversial, because without defneding your perspective, it's entirely possible that you don't even know what your perspective it. if people attach my 'bible' then at least they are defednign their perspective and growing. it otta be fun.

2/10/2005 09:08:00 AM  

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