Monday, November 15, 2004

broken headlamp

ok, so i get my steller deal for 130$ replacement assembly for my subaru and it COMES WITH bulbs. cool. oh yeah, and two little plastic peices taht busted off the VISIBLE RIM of the assembly = ugly. so, i glue them on, mount it in my car and decide a little compensation is in order as it's not in 'perfect' condition i purchased it in. The seller default liabilty to the shipper. the shipper wants origional packaging (it's monday and gone in the trash now) but is willing tocome out and look at the broken product. DHL is cool, but send a guy here over 10$?!
common. SO, now I expect to get some paperwork and a visit which will probably result in
A) nothing
B) a waste of my time and minimal money (like 3$)
C) 10$ that i'm after at a HUGE cost to dhl
D) a replaced unit at dhl's expense.

i beleive c is the correct answer, but I'm expecting A. Lets wait an see what happens.


Blogger forkev said...

the forms came from dhl.
i opted for optoin A.
it's not worth my time.

1/28/2005 11:18:00 PM  

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