Monday, April 25, 2005

cv joints

i roll down the window on teh subaru and the clicking sound that i've always heard with the window down coming from the drivers side wheel is a bit louder then usual.
i beleive it's time to replace the constant velocity joint (which keeps power on the wheel AND the wheel can turn)
i can drop in a replacement shaft with all the joints done for me, or do it myslf for a bit more work and proably end up rending to the tools from shucks for 3$ a day. hmmm. anyone with experience in this?

celebreate something
THere are some goodies in here. bummer i can't remember what happend a month ago and when i was gone so i can fill in my workers report accurately. i pretty much only leave on holidays - and an upcoming CRUISE!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


excel has always been one of my favorite programs.
recently i was having one of those friday night theredoitical conversations with a fellow nerd who showed me a new game called Sets.

He enjoys playing it with his wife, but ocassionally would just like to know all permutations so they can get on with the next hand.
On the way home, i came up with a sloppy algirithm for checking validity of all relevent combinations and decided to try my hand at modeling it in excel. Version 1 was to have no graphics but just descrive the cards with characters.

4 user defined functions later the prototype was complete.
then i found this cool forms editor in the vba backend of excel, so i made a pretty little form.
I think excell will be my new prototyping platform because it's more portable then a webserver for third paries.

Overview: 81 unique Cards are a combination of the 4 areas
Number 1 2 3 1 2 3
Color R G P Red Green Puple
Symbol D W O Diamond Wave Oval
Shading H L S Hollow Lined Solid

12 cards are laid out and each party visually starts matching trios.

EACH Trio combination is Looked at indepently:
is the number the same or all different
is the color the same or all different
is the symbol the same or all different
is the shading the same or all diferent = TRUE (considered a Set)

and our happy excel UDF's.
Function RandLotto(Bottom As Integer, Top As Integer, Amount As Integer) As String
'cook us up some unique random numbers between bottom and top
Dim iArr As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim temp As Integer


ReDim iArr(Bottom To Top)
For i = Bottom To Top
iArr(i) = i
Next i
For i = Top To Bottom + 1 Step -1
r = Int(Rnd() * (i - Bottom + 1)) + Bottom
temp = iArr(r)
iArr(r) = iArr(i)
iArr(i) = temp
Next i
For i = Bottom To Bottom + Amount - 1
RandLotto = RandLotto & " " & iArr(i)
Next i
RandLotto = Trim(RandLotto)
End Function

Function SplitReturn(txt As String, Delimeter As String, Position As Integer)
'hack up a string and return position.
'used in conjunction with randlotto to push on cell of 12 entries into 12 cells.
Dim x As Variant
x = Split(txt, Delimeter)
SplitReturn = x(Position - 1)
End Function

Function CheckCards(Cards As Range) As String
'check every relelvent combination for validation

Dim Output As String 'string to return
Dim x As Integer 'hold first card
Dim y As Integer 'hold second card
Dim z As Integer 'hold third card
Dim a As Integer 'counter master just for testing

For x = 1 To 10 Step 1
For y = x + 1 To 11 Step 1
For z = y + 1 To 12 Step 1
'IF card(X)Position 1, 2 ,3 4 check out then output card #'s
If ValidateCards(Cards(x), Cards(y), Cards(z)) = True Then
If Output <> "" Then Output = Output & " ! "
Output = Output & x & "," & y & "," & z
End If
'a = a + 1
'If x = 10 And y = 11 And z = 12 Then Output = Output & "!TotalCounts:" & a
Next z
Next y
Next x

CheckCards = Output

End Function

Function ValidateCards(x As String, y As String, z As String) As String
'check 3 cards to see if they validate
Dim toReturn As Boolean
toReturn = False 'default value to return

'check positions 1,1,2,4

If (Mid(x, 1, 1) = Mid(y, 1, 1) And Mid(y, 1, 1) = Mid(z, 1, 1)) Or (Mid(x, 1, 1) <> Mid(y, 1, 1) And Mid(x, 1, 1) <> Mid(z, 1, 1) And Mid(y, 1, 1) <> Mid(z, 1, 1)) Then
If (Mid(x, 2, 1) = Mid(y, 2, 1) And Mid(y, 2, 1) = Mid(z, 2, 1)) Or (Mid(x, 2, 1) <> Mid(y, 2, 1) And Mid(x, 2, 1) <> Mid(z, 2, 1) And Mid(y, 2, 1) <> Mid(z, 2, 1)) Then
If (Mid(x, 3, 1) = Mid(y, 3, 1) And Mid(y, 3, 1) = Mid(z, 3, 1)) Or (Mid(x, 3, 1) <> Mid(y, 3, 1) And Mid(x, 3, 1) <> Mid(z, 3, 1) And Mid(y, 3, 1) <> Mid(z, 3, 1)) Then
If (Mid(x, 4, 1) = Mid(y, 4, 1) And Mid(y, 4, 1) = Mid(z, 4, 1)) Or (Mid(x, 4, 1) <> Mid(y, 4, 1) And Mid(x, 4, 1) <> Mid(z, 4, 1) And Mid(y, 4, 1) <> Mid(z, 4, 1)) Then
toReturn = True
End If '3
End If '2
End If '1
End If '0

ValidateCards = toReturn
'ValidateCards = Mid(x, 0, 1)
End Function

Saturday, April 09, 2005

motercycle dude

coming back from napa yesterday we had a motercycle pass us, weaving through traffic. it veared around us and then jogged back in front of us pretty close to the car in the other lane.

both alodia and myself volunteered we did not view that as really safe. this dude looked to be in his 50's and just tearing it up a bit now that spring is shining.

well, 2 blocks later traffic was gummed up and i looked down between the cars and i could see that he'd rearended a car probably as he tried to swerve around it in the intersection. bike was pretty mangled and forks were bent back almost into the eninge and front wheel was more of a rectangle then a circle. i saw him staggerin away as a nearby roadcrew started directing traffic.

i felt bad for the dude. yeah, he's being stupid, but i seldom find joy in someone getting what is coming to them.

blown computer revisited

today marked another day fighting the computer: i just want it to stay alive long enought to grab me some stuff off bittorrent -
fat chance. it lives anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours. then just locks up.
so i started digging around thinking maybe i could upgrade the cmos/bios and fix a few problems. sure, i can get a new processor and mb for 150$, but that's 150$ i'd rather spend on vacation.
so i take it appart and launch bios to check out processor tempature.
74 centegrade at idle. now, i don't know about you, but that seems pretty toasty for idle, especially an intel - and this baby is NOT overclocked.
maybe that clip breaking off means my heatsink is not on square. so i go to take off the other clip and promply break those brackets too. oh well, no big deal.
well, the heat sink is clogged with dust, but it's still sucking air. maybe i'll just clean up everything and zip tie that baby back on the motherboard!
that's done and so far: sp2 is almost installed. i've not checked on the working temp of the processor, but my guess is i've solved the problem.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

iso 8601 describes this standard as includeing "By convention, the week starts with Monday. "

I saw this option on HiDownload 6.2 software scheduler. Inturesting.

Maybe i'll create a standard that makes all yellows orange; ya know, so we are all on the same page.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

blown computer

for quite sometime i've tried to install xp sp2 on my computer.
EVERY TIME it has locked up my computer. screen freeses, numlock/capslock/scroll lock don't light up on keyboard, and mouse just looks at you dumb.
about a week ago i decided i wanted to play serious sam, and after launching the game, my compute would freeze. i decied to get to the bottom of this, once and for all.
i backed up and went to do a full reinstall of xp on top of it's self and that would lock up every time the installer from disk was ALMOST ready to start after copying all the files for 5 minutes.
so after trying a clean install and getting the same symptom, i deciede to take the primary hd off line and see if it was a hardware problem. nope - same symptom with second hd set to primary.
as i'm lookint at my 3 hard drives and thinking, i notice this metal clip that had been over the p4 cpu now lying on my VIDEO CARD (i've a tower case) - it had broken off and dropped onto the back of the video card. who knows how long it's been there. what on earth - after having open metal shorting out the video card, this explains the instabilty. odd thing is, it shows up in sp2 install but not just surfing the internet. i've concluded something on the motherboard is fried and have given up trying to solve the issue and HOPE my windows install does not self corrupt as i know there is now no way to install it with the current configuration.
i even went as far to take the existing video card out (and all the other cards) put in aother video card and STILL the symptons existed. chalk one up for dumb luck. this, coupled with subaru made for an inturesting week. i sure am looking foward to that cruise, and happy we're not driving.