Friday, January 28, 2005


this is a short confession to the masses.
we spent WAY to long looking and not buying. We (the other half and myself) have concluded that haveing an elliptical trainer (like a stairclimber that got in a fight with a treadmill) would be a good idea.
it's quiet, it's low impact, and it'll end up right in front of the tv.
well, leave it to ME to make a simple idea unbearable.
We've been looking for one since the beginig of december. i've searched and read, and searched, and formed theories, and we've even tried a few.
the more i think about them, the more the 700$ ones just don't seem like the one's i want. well, she's ready to settle for a sears sale, and i must say, it's not a bad idea.

BUT, faced with the option of actually spending money today for a tool that does not have me holding down my divit in front of the tv and i buckled. The top two local machines we liked will be off sale by tomarrow evening.

what's a guy to do? strap two milk jugs to his ankles, fill them with 700$ of quarters, and install a chinup bar over the couch as penance?

I fear by the time we get to the bottom of this process the flowers will be out of the ground and exercising indoors with no AC will be VERY warm. Maybe i'll then take the tv outside and walk around it or something.


Blogger Janell said...

If you really want it go buy it - unless it means you have to live on Ramen for a month. That's my opinion.

1/28/2005 10:13:00 PM  
Blogger forkev said...

the problem is she wants one, and I wanted another, but she does not like that one as much.
i want her to have hers (and i'd use it a bit of the time) but i'm not sold on the quality.
the demo model we looked at works, and is comfortable, but showing signs of wear (the kind of wear i need a 100$ mig welder to fix) and i'm TOO excited about that.
i say get one, yes. the questions is, which one.
the one that lasts longer. or the one that is more comfortable that will squeek (and require tinkering) sooner.

1/28/2005 11:07:00 PM  
Blogger k2h said...

get the one for 'her', you'll never regret it. see what the warrenty is and do your best to break it in that time period. you'll be more fit, happier, and actually have a GOAL, which I hear is a major MUST HAVE in the fitness area, an obtainable goal. so if your sure its crap, and is gonna break or wear out, then go for that and make it your goal. if your wrong, then you just to wussy to obtain your goal, and if your right, you'll get 2 crappy machines for the price of one, and the next one will come with an even MORE challening goal as you'll only have 30 or 60 days to break the next one!

1/29/2005 05:24:00 PM  

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