Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Lizzy writes back.

reference: ode-to-being-lurker

forkev said...

I lurk to learn, but ocassionally I pry.
To put things in perspective, i'm a Seventh-day Adventist and i observe some church members wrestling with the concept of ordained female ministors yet we uphold Ellen White as a prophetess.
I've been learning about Mormonism and am confused about the divide between the male and female role within the Mormon church. I cross referenced with the topics of Judges: chapter 4 (Deborah) and the equality discussed in the New Testiment (Romans 3:9-10) and was wondering your take on it.
I'm not here to argue or push any ideas, i just want a balancing perspective as i continue searching. don't field this questions if it's strange for you, and keep blogging for people like me. good stuff. kevin.

lizzy said...

Kevin (Forkev),

I read your comment (thanks, by the way) and had to ponder on how to reply.

So, here are my ramblings...

For some women in the Mormon church, the whole "only the men have the priesthood" thing is a problem for them and they see it as being unequal. It used to bug me a little, too, by the way. But, now I see it differently and for me, I am at peace with the whole thing.

Let me first give you an analogy.

You, Kevin, have 5 apples. I, Lizzy, have 5 oranges. Now, who has more? Well, neither of us. We have an equal amount of fruit. Different fruit, but the same amount. The only way this equality changes is if WE place more value on the apples then the oranges.

This is what I feel we, as humans, have done in regards to the power between men and women. Over the course of history (generally speaking, here) people have placed more value on the power of men, than on women. This has made women feel inferior to men and treat their equal gifts as less than. And, sadly, this attitude still lingers--even in regards to church stuff.

So, for some people, they see the fact that men in the Mormon church have the priesthood as a great means of inequality. But, for me, it's just the human factor getting in the way.

As a woman in the Mormon church, I teach, I preach, and I lead others. And until Christ comes to fix the "human factor" this is enough for me.

(And by the way, I don't mind replying to religious questions, as long as it is kept respectful.);-)

forkev said...

awesome answer.
I like (and agree) with your conclusion.
please permit me to share the apples / oranges analogy in the future :)


Blogger k2h said...

way to sindicate your own comments from afar. I would like to see k1h have more of a theme,.... well not a theme persay but maybe more ORIGIONAL CONTENT. =)

12/23/2004 06:20:00 PM  
Blogger forkev said...

it is origional, just not in this presentation.
i view it as my online notes to myself.
everyone is welcome to partake.

12/23/2004 09:35:00 PM  

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