Sunday, January 29, 2006


we had 19 people over friday night. about 7 of those were kids. there is some birth control for you.

in the fray, the kitchen sink stopped draining and proved to be the only casulaty. after THREE very heavy servings of LYE (NaOH) the sink was not draining any faster 24 hours later. We weighed our options and and opted for a mechanical solution instead of chemical.

Lowes and Home Depot are across the street from eachother, and lowes came through with a 20$ drain snake that allowed hand cranking, drill cranking, and was 25 ft long. it seemed a bit spendy since we could get just the wire part for 12$, but hey, it's a tool and hopefully it'll be usefull next time.

after cramming that baby in about 10 ft, it hit a snag. the drill powered through it in about 4 seconds and we reamed it back and forth for a while for good measure.

Alodia and I wiped the snake off as it came out of the stinky hole and by the time we got to the business end we where both like 'ewww!'. There were bits of semi-disolved hair and lint and who knows what else stuck in the end. the most disturbing thing is that the smell reminded me EXACTLY of norman (the cat) after he hacks on a hairball for a while. now that is some stinky breath.

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Saturday, January 28, 2006


check out his face.
this is a very funny video. and exciting too.